Sources on emotions
karl h schwerin (schwerin@UNM.EDU)
Wed, 9 Aug 1995 09:35:51 -0600
For the past couple of years I've been noting anthropological sources on
the study of emotions. This discussion has been quite helpful. Here are
a few additions to the reference list:
Lewis, Michael. 1995. Self-Conscious Emotions. American Scientist
83(1):68-78 (Jan-Feb. 1995)
Mitchell, Timothy. 1990. Passional culture. Emotion, religion, and
society in southern Spain. Philadelphia, PA: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press
Ryan, Michael & Avery Gordon (eds.). 1993. Body politics. Disease,
desire, and the family. Boulder, CO: Westview Press
Scruton, David L. (ed.). 1985. Sociophobics. The anthropology of
fear. Boulder, CO: Westview Press
Tiger, Lionel. 1992. The pursuit of pleasure. Boston, MA: Little, Brown
Wierzbicka, Anna. 1988. Emotions Across Culture: Similarities and
Differences. American Anthropologist 90(4):982-983