Re: intro to anthropology
wilkr (wilkr@INDIANA.EDU)
Mon, 1 Aug 1994 21:01:17 -0500
Mr. Iverson
If you don't mind, I would like to post your response to my
comment about your program back to the anthro-l bulletin
board, since this is a partially public conversation. I feel it is very
much up to the anthro-l community to decide where they want to draw
lines, and they can use all the information you offer in doing so.
I have friends who write software for a living, and I understand where
you are coming from. I teach anthropology for a living, so you know my
point of view too. One of the essential qualities of academic life is
that we peer-review each others' work, and make our opinions and comments
on each others' work part of the public record. I compel nobody to read
or listen to my opinions. Keeping quiet, as you suggest, about a
professional product I don't like, would be unprofessional and unethical.
Academia does not work by the rule "if you can't say something nice..."
because sometimes truth is not "nice."
Richard Wilk Anthropology Dept.
812-855-8162 (voice) Indiana University
812-855-4358 (fax) Bloomington, IN 47405