Royal Anthropological Institute Online

David Zeitlyn (D.Zeitlyn@UKC.AC.UK)
Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:42:18 +0100

On behalf of the Royal Anthropological Institute I am pleased to announce
that basic information about the RAI may now be found at

As well as basic information about the institute this includes tables of
contents of the RAI's main publications: the Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute and Anthropology Today.

I hope to be able to have a sample of the Anthropological index available soon.

Standard apologies for cross-posting.

David Z

Dr David Zeitlyn,
Lecturer in Social Anthroplogy,
Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing,
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology,
Eliot College,
The University of Kent,
Tel. (44) 1227 764000 -Extn 3360 (or 823360 direct)
Fax (44) 1227 827289