Request For Help

Barbara S Nowak (NOWAK@AC.GRIN.EDU)
Wed, 19 Apr 1995 12:00:54 -0500

continuing moral cancer and must be stopped. But many of these
violations occur in areas remote from the scrutiny of the outside
world and the media.

An endowment fund for the defense of indigenous peoples has been
established to provide the financial resources:

1. To investigate such violations of human rights and marshall
the evidence against such violations; and

2. To bring the violators to justice either within their own
society, within the court system of the USA, before
international agencies, or to the world court of public

Thus, the Fund will support

1. The organization of legal action. There is a network of
lawyers who are willing to take on such cases on a pro bono
basis, but there are expenses involved in activating this

2. The mounting of campaigns to activate world opinion against
such violations bringing pressure on governments to eliminate
these violations;

3. The publication of reports and articles on human rights and indigenous
peoples, etc.,

4. In the most desperate of cases, the organization of medical
treatment and support to those who have been physically

5. Scholarships for indigenous peoples to obtain Ph.D.'s in

6. The investigation of the impact that NAFTA and the Global
Environmental Fund is having on the rights of indigenous

7. The repatriation of ethnography.

The endowment currently has $10,000, but we need to increase
it to achieve its purposes.

The finances of this fund are managed by the Charitable Gift
Fund of Fidelity Investments of Boston, MA.

The activities of the fund will be managed by an oversight
committee of: G. N. Appell (Brandies University), C. Patrick
Morris (University of Washington), Barbara S. Nowak (Grinnell
College), and Laura P. A. Warren (Milton Academy).

Please contact Dr. Barbara S. Nowak or Dr. George N. Appell for
more information. We would welcome individuals who would like to
work to raise contributions for this fund

Dr. Barbara S. Nowak Dr. George N. Appell
Department of Anthropology P.O. Box A
Grinnell College Phillips, ME 04966
Grinnell, Iowa 50112 U.S.A.