Racism in Anthropology

Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:19:26 EDT

Just a few suggestions: Try Francis Hsu's piece in the American
Anthropologist, and Lee Baker and Tom Patterson's piece in most recent
Transforming Anthropology as starting places... I have attached a biblio
which may serve as some point of departure. You will note that I have
included a history of racism in psychology by Bob Guthrie as an important
counterpoint, and one of Cornel West's works which may help as well.

Anselme Remy, "The Roots and Nature of Anthropology", Black Scholar,

Baber, "A Tribute to Drake", in Transforming Anthropology, Vol. 1, No.2,

Washington: the Association of Black Anthropologists, American
Association, 1990.

Baker, Lee D. and Thomas C. Patterson, "Race, Racism and the History of
Anthropology," Transforming Anthropology, Vol 5, No. 1 &2, Arlington:
Association of Black Anthropologists, American Anthropological
Association, 1994.

Barsh, Russel Lawrence "Are Anthropologists Hazardous to Indians'
Health" in
The Journal of Ethnic Studies 15:4, date unknown.

Drake, St. Clair, "Further Reflections on Anthropology and the Black
in Transforming Anthropology, vol 1, no. 2, Washington: the Association
of Black
Anthropologists, American Anthropological Association, 1990.

Drake, St. Clair, "Reflections on Anthropology and the Black
Experience", in
Anthropology and Education Quarterly, vol 9, no. 2. Washington: American
Anthropological Association, 1978.

Drake, St. Clair, Anthropology and the Black Experience," in Black
Scholar, vol 11,
no 7: 2-31, 1980.

Guthrie, Robert V., Even the Rat was White, New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

Hsu, F.L.K., "Prejudice and its Intellectual Effect on American
Anthropology: An
Ethnographic Report", American Anthropologist, 75: 1-19, Washington:
Anthropological Association, 1973.

Sahklin, Eugenia, Anthropology & Race, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing
Company, 1994.

Smedley, Audrey, Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a
Boulder: Westview Press, 1993.

West, Cornel, Keeping Faith: Philosophy and Race in America, New York:
Routledge, 1993.

Patsy Evans