Racism and Anthropology
Glenn p Gabbard (gpg@WORLD.STD.COM)
Sat, 8 Apr 1995 16:21:35 -0400
In a recent course in qualitative methods for doctoral students
in Education, my peers and I read Powdermaker's *Stranger and
Friend.* The book generated heated debate over what was
perceived as racism on the part of the author and as a frequent
issue in anthropological study. I am looking for writings which
reflect on racism and/or colonialism and anthropological study;
I am particularly interested in anthropologists of color who have
written on the issue of racism and anthropology. I would
appreciate any help and imagine that such a topic may be
addressed in a broad range of sources; consequently, even
general guidance about how to start such a search would be
Glenn Gabbard
Thanks very much.