Re: And what's Pontius Pilate, said truth
douglass st.christian (stchri@MCMAIL.CIS.MCMASTER.CA)
Sat, 23 Apr 1994 09:01:01 -0400
hey mike....
poor margaret, sounds like i was taking a freemanesque swipe at her
grave, which i wasn't.....i like meads work on samoa, but in her
'presentation' of the Samoan truth she takes a rather unsophisticated
'they said it, its real' approach which may be as much a function of the
market she wrote for as the way she approached what she was being told...
you told me this mead story once before and it has stuck in my mind...i
only suggested that she might have asked her informants which leg they
were pulling as one way of avoiding having what was, all else considered,
a substantial and valuable body of work challenged by the likes of d.f.
and his trumpeters....
anyway....your point is, of course, the codicil of mine....