Re: the arrogance of postmodern mumbo jumbo

Stephen Barnard (
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 18:49:51 -0800

Stephen Barnard wrote:
> In May, 1996 Alan Sokal, a physicist at NYU, published a paper in
> _Social_Text_, a leading journal of cultural studies. The title of this
> paper was "Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative
> Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity."
> It was transparent bullshit, or a brilliant parody, depending on your
> point of view. Sokal's intention was to see whether such a journal
> would accept this parody at face value, just because it parroted the
> required postmodern jargon and reached the politically correct
> conclusions that the editors liked.

I'm still waiting for a representative of the campus left to reply to
this. The silence is deafening.

Steve Barnard