Re: Patriarchy: Re: What Matriarchy?

Mary Beth Williams (
8 Sep 1996 18:56:02 GMT

In <50uven$> (Bryant) writes:
>In article <50u9l2$>,
>Mary Beth Williams <> wrote:
>>>In article <50q1c1$>, Gerold Firl said:
>>>I noticed that you wrote that bryant had a "theory" that rape was
>>>because it's a "natural adaptation". Now, if you read what he wrote
>>>above (the 3 paragraphs above yours) where he specifically states
>>>the naturalistic fallacy *is* a fallacy, and that rape is *not* ok,
>>>seems clear that only an english major (or a postmodernist
>>>deconstructionalist postprocessualist ad nauseum) could reach such a
>>Hey, wait a minute! As a thoroughly entrenched
>>PM/PP/deconstructionist/Marxist/ad nauseum, I balk at the allegation
>>that we would ever support such deterministic crap [...]
>:) So we can trust y'all to stop pulling the naturalistic fallacy
>nonsense whenever we discuss rape or infanticide or sexism?

*Stop pulling*? Didn't know I had started... So, Bryant, when did you
stop beating your wife ;-D?

MB Williams, going back to naturalistically gestating, as it seems more
productive than this thread.
Dept. of Anthro., UMass-Amherst