Re: ACLU may sue NM Board of Education (was Re: Creationists win...)

J. Thomas Ford (
Sat, 07 Sep 1996 23:25:55 -0500

Chris McFarlane wrote:
> In article <50n9m5$>, wrote:
> [snip]
> |"It might surprise you that once every year at Georgia College I teach a
> |course on creationism, called BIO 490, it's Biology Seminar. I have my
> |students read their book Scientific Creationism, I have them read Dr. Gish's
> |publications, I have them read the many, uh, some of the books that have been
> |published in rebuttal, I have them hold debates very much like this one at the
> |end of the quarter. Every student is required to debate defending evolution on
> |one day and debate defending creationism on another day."
> |
> |[Taken from the transcript of the 1988 Saladin-Gish debate]
> Is the transcript available online ?

Yes, it's on the Archive and the Secular Web. Fairly good
summary of Guish's M.O., though he seems a bit more subdued than usual.

Push off, and sitting well in order smite | J. Thomas Ford
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds | Art Director
To Sail Beyond the Sunset, and the baths | DBAHouston Magazine
Of all the western stars, until I die. |
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