Re: how many bastards are there, anyway?

sgf (
2 Sep 1996 20:55:34 GMT

In article <>,
Hugh Gibbons <> wrote:

>I don't like this explanation because it relies on fairly dubious
>(That attractive men have genes that make them able to survive better.)
>The more conventional and more likely explanation is that females have
>orgasm to attract them to the act of sex, which results in procreation.
>Since women are intelligent, men would have a hard time persuading them
>to engage in sex, knowing the dangers of pregnancy, unless the women
>got immediate benefit.

Why do women, then, not orgasm every time? And why is orgasm reachable
on a far more reliable basis by masturbation, oral sex, direct
stimulation rather than by male penetration and ejaculation? Seems that if
the orgasm was the attractive bit, them women would spend far more time
masturbating and engaging in other sexual practices rather than straight

(removing from followups...)

-- <*>
"Assiduous and frequent questioning is indeed the first key to wisdom ...for
by doubting we come to inquiry; through inquiring we perceive the truth..."
--Peter Abelard (..........I claim this .sig for Queen Elizabeth)