Re: Life Duty Death & Denial

Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin (
Thu, 28 Sep 1995 04:15:28 GMT (Julie Locascio) wrote:

>>First, the amount of jungle being cleared for cattle grazing is
>>miniscule. Normally there is a multi-step process spanning several
>>years before the land is turned over to cattle. And that happens
>>because by then the land is basically useless for any other purpose.

>Miniscule???? By whose definition?

By a very simple definition:

The amount of jungle that is cleared for the express purpose of
cattle grazing -- which is what I referred to -- is a tiny fraction
of the amount of jungle that is cleared for the express purpose of
subsistence level farming.

The total amount cleared may be a matter for concern. The amount
where they go in, take out the trees, and send in the cattle, is