dannie hawkins (71726.3204@CompuServe.COM)
10 Sep 1995 21:43:02 GMT

The *Barbarian (Natural Warrior) Attitude* is almost as misunderstood within the
minds of those who promote the "Ethnostate" as it is in the population at large.
As "empires" began to rot and die, those possessing the Barbarian Attitude will
either save their individual Kind or they will not. No One or Thing [other than
the Barbarian] will save a Kind. IF the Barbarian Attitude has been Successfully
Undermined (as is the case of "civilized" societies) the Kind, whose continued
existence has come into question, will not long have that question to remain
unanswered. White Aryan Kind Will Die IF [they] refuse to un-cage the minds of
their Barbarians. "Un-caging minds" simply means that No One should continue
faulting those who escaped that mental jail, Or those who followed their Natural
Barbaric inclinations in misunderstood ways, and do not fault those who in all
probability soon Will. Furthermore, this attitude should be more widely
recognized for its Absolute Natural Necessity relative to Kind or group Survival.
Barbarism is not a "movement," it is a frame of mind beyond the control of any
human Kind, group, system, or organization. "Reactionary forces" (systemites et
al) cannot destroy those possessing this attitude. They are unrecognizable. The
Barbarian too, may be unaware of his Nature Programmed Purpose until *feeling*
his Grand Purpose. Never has a True Warrior class been so debased as in the
artificially "cultured" societies that exist today, societies HE made possible.
Maybe it is time to rethink this thought of returning the Barbarian to his cage
if this struggle is successful. Perhaps the Barbarian follows Natural Thought
more closely even in times when his attitude is not in demand. As a member of
that most high order, the Order of Mother Nature, Why should he allow non
Barbarians to set up their synthetic cultures again? Something to think about.
_Mother Nature Endures_