Re: Life Duty Death

Julie Locascio (
Wed, 30 Aug 1995 14:24:46

They are Natural wars, territorial, ethnic, religious, etc. Rwanda was a
classic example of Natural war,>but the "civilized" world would not stand for
it. The same can be said about>Somalia, etc. The war in Bosnia is a natural
war that is no ones business but>theirs. These wars should Always be left to
take their natural course. They>serve a very good purpose in the evolutionary

I think you are forgetting at least one important "natural" issue:
international trade. Large countries and communities like the U.S. and the
European Community survive on high levels of international trade.
International trade can be grossly impeded by even "local" wars, which cause
refugee flight, resource destruction, and market disruptions. There
is no "local" war which could be fought to some "natural" conclusion without a
rippling effect on its direct territorial neighbors (via refugee flight and
resource destruction) AND on indirect trade neighbors (and trade links are
very complex). You can say what you like about the "naturalness" of violent
conflict, but you are turning a blind eye to the fact that intervention in
other people's wars is OFTEN motivated by economic self-interest and long-term
security concerns, not humanitarian pity.

Human civilization is too complex to be so easily analyzed like that. You
talk as if you believe humans survive in a small geographic radius of a
niche--we eat food, wear clothes, furnish our homes, have jobs, and drive/ride
vehicles that all rely on materials imported from all over the world. It is
questionable whether there is any geographic locale outside of certain
tropical ecosystems in which humans could survive in a very
small radius, without the benefit of trade. I simply do not understand how
you believe that things that happen elsewhere in the globe are completely
irrelevant to you. No man is an island!