Re: ABC & racist pseudoscience

Jiri Mruzek (
Sun, 29 Sep 1996 18:13:16 -0700

John Rice Cole wrote:

> Sept 26th, ABC-TV in the US broadcast a "new" show, "Chariots of the Gods?"
> featuring the totally debunked claims of Erik von Daniken which were published
> and broadcast in the 70's!

But can the Nasca Plain, or the Carnac stones be completely debunked?
They still look the same to me!
I liked the great mountain, which was debunked so badly - it blew its
top off. What a huge, horizontal slice - debunking on the level!

> Von D's claims were not presented with any
> competent archaeological analysis or comment--they would have been blown out
> of the water, of course.

You are putting up a brave front, of course. Why don't you give it
a try? As a matter of fact, why don't you try debunking some of
the diagrams on my web-site?

> Von D's premise that the Mayans, Incas, etc. could
> not have done nifty things without help from outer space is flat-out racist.

Trumped up accusations are worthy of a true Nazi.

> These people are/were thoroughly modern humans as capable as you or I. To
> imply otherwise is pseudoscientific racism.

I can read your mind ( in my crystal ball), and I see that you think
that Uganda cannot build and launch a space-shuttle before 1999. Yet,
Ugandans are/were thoroughly modern humans as capable as you or I. To
imply otherwise is pseudoscientific racism.

> Why is ABC *doing* this--to keep up with NBC and its notorious "Mysterious
> Origins of Man" or CBS's "Noah's Ark" hoax promulgation? ("Not our news
> division," they will reply to justify promoting garbage!)

They're doing it to keep up with CNN..

> --John R. Cole
> I'm an archaeologist, but I don't play one on TV.

Why don't you do a rehearsal for us.
Jiri Mruzek