Re: Life Duty Death

Marty G. Price (mprice@Ra.MsState.Edu)
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 10:49:50 -0500

On Mon, 2 Oct 1995, Marty G. Price wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Oct 1995, Joseph Askew wrote:
> > Except of course the areas down wind of the US nuclear test
> > sites have the lowest cancer rates in the country. Cites on
> Direct lie. No "cities on demand." No cities---rural Nevada.
> My library has a book with some very interesting pictures & anedotal
> accounts. You wish to "disprove" each of them?

Follow-up on my own statement:
No significant cities immediately downwind of the test site. Not even
our *government* is run by people dumb enough to deliberately irradiate
their own major cities. In long range terms, vast areas of the U.S. were
crossed by "more than one nuclear cloud from aboveground detonations":
too much area to provide even a defined "downwind."

The book, I mentioned above, is Carole Gallagher's _American Ground Zero_.
Anecdotal accounts from rural Nevada and Utah, to remind the blind among
us that real live human beings suffer from our callous or ignorant decisions.

Is Enterprise, Utah, on the alleged list above? To quote Gallagher's
book, "Enterprise, Utah, a community downwind of the Nevada Test Site
where birth defects and deaths from cancer began to soar in the late

Other facts of interest (from Gallagher): "Of 14,000 sheep on the range
east of the Nevada Test Sitem, roughly 4,500 died in May and June of
1953. The sheep ranchers were convinced the losses were due to radiation
from particularly dirty atmospheric atomic tests earlier that year."

And: "In 1980 the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
investigated the sheep deaths and concluded that the Atomic Energy
Commission had engaged in a sophisticated scientific cover-up aimed at
protecting the testing program in Nevada at any cost..."