Re: Who are the Slave Traders of the '90's?

Richard A. Goodman (
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 23:52:42 GMT

nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) wrote:

>Who are the Slave Traders of the '90's?

>The slave traders of the '90's are the very same people who
>were the slave traders of centuries past!

>Take a look around and see how government enforced equality
>in employment has fostered an environment in which the
>popularity of temporary agencies and consulting firms has
>mushroomed over recent decades.

>In the not-too-distant past, labor used to make themselves
>available to their utilizers. Now there is a whole
>infrastructure of marketing personnel, accounting personnel,
>offices, communications equipment, advertising, etin place
>just to provide labor to employers.

>What kind of financial resources does this infrastructure
>drain from the sweat of labor? Well, this writer has
>heard that the split can be as adverse as 80/20, that is,
>80 percent of the billings going to the slave trader
>(euphemistically called the consulting firm) with a paltry
>20 percent going to the laborer - and getting worse!

>Bear in mind that the middleman-infrastructure is a
>duplication of effort at best and a resource sapping
>enterprise at worse (i.e. parasitical). The resources of
>this infrastructure do nothing to directly produce anything
>that puts an air conditioner in your window or tires on your
>car. If the personnel and other resources of this infra-
>structure were diverted to more productive endeavors, then
>the supply of goods and services that have real utility
>value would increase, and their prices would be more afford-

>Who dominates the middleman-infrastructure of "slave trading"
>temp agencies and consulting firms? Why, it is the very same
>ilk which is drastically over-represented in the ranks of
>corporate raider, greenmailer, insider-trader, media mogul,
>pornographer, yenta, etc.

>You see, under equal employment opportunity (EEO), employers
>are loath to pay compensation which will open themselves up to
>liability which will require them to pay the same rate to
>unpreferred candidates who, in the employer's eye, are not
>worth that rate. So employers turn to middlemen. The worker
>CANNOT get the rate of pay which he deserves because of the
>aforementioned liability concerns, but there is nothing under
>the law that inhibits the middleman from seizing the reward -
>that is, the just fruits of labor.

>By the way, guess which tribe inspired and instigated the
>passage of the equal employment opportunity laws to begin

Anonymous seems tio be a little confused about what a slave is.
Having worked for temp agencioes, I never considered myself a slave.
I was free to quit, go get another job, move my residence elsehwere,
etc. etc. any time I wanted to.

If Anonymous wioshes to see something a lot closer to slavery in this
country, he or she should go look at the prison system. In our Gulag
'96, a million and a half men and women are incarcerated. Many work
at jobs literally for nothing more than the slaves used to get --
food, shelter and medical care.

A source tells me the following: When you call TWA in themiddle of the
night, the pleasant sounding person you talk to may very well be an
incarcerated inmate. Toys R Us is said to be stocking their stores at
night, at least in the Chicago area, with prisoners from local
prisons. And Dell Computer uses prisoners to make the motherboards of
some of their computers.

If this is true, some of these people are paid (11 cents an hour?) and
some are not. Frankly, I'd rather work for a temporary agency.
Slavery? get real.

Rich G.