Re: who can give info about bourdieu

Paul Gallagher (
2 Nov 1996 08:33:09 -0500

In <> Menu user <> writes:

>CAn someone help me to find more information about bourdieu?
>I am looking for literature about the concept of social, economic and
>cultural capital of Bourdieu. I am intrested in both the original texts
>of Bourdieau, as well as references or applications of his concept by
>other authors.

>Any info is more than welcome!

>Email to

You might try the Bourdieu mailing list. There's not much traffic on
it, however. Here's the information:


BOURDIEU is an electronic forum for discussion and debate
inspired by the philosophical and sociological thought of
Pierre Bourdieu. BOURDIEU is an open list - all interested
parties are invited and encouraged to take part in posting
and discussion. All topics related to the thought of Pierre
Bourdieu are relevant for discussion on this list. In order
to give an opportunity to a larger audience this list will
be bilingual - discussions can be either in English or in
French or in both.

Discussions approriate for this list include among other
themes the following:

-Bourdieu and the classical sociology (e.g. Marx, Durkheim, Weber)
-Bourdieu in the field French and international philosophy and sociology
-Bourdieu and the critical theory
-Bourdieu's study on education
-Bourdieu and structuralism/poststructuralism
-Bourdieu and masculine domination
-Bourdieu and feminism
-Bourdieu and politics
-Bourdieu and anthropology (kinship, ritual, etc.)
-Bourdieu and body (embodiment)
-Bourdieu and arts (literature, painting, etc.)
-Bourdieu and philosophy
-Bourdieu as a "public scribe"
-Autonomy, role and commitment of intellectuals in society
-Theory and methodology in social sciences
-The status of sociology and sociologists in society
-Power use and abuse in academia
-Cultural, social, symbolic capitals
-Habitus and social classes
-Symbolic violence

Pierre Bourdieu (b. 1930) professor at College de France is
considered to be one of the greatest French social
scientists of this century. During his long academic career
of more than three decades, Bourdieu has produced extensive
theoretical and empirical works in fields ranging from
philosophy, anthropology and sociology to education and
culture. As a student of the French structuralist school of
the 1950's, Bourdieu began to distance himself from it
during the 1960's and built up his own sociological thought
during the following two decades. He has worked for a more
analytical and critical conception where theoretical rigour
is matched by profundity of empirical analysis. To this end,
he engaged in developing a conceptual sociological
methodology to deal with social phenomena over a broad
range. Without totally rejecting American sociology or
overestimating French sociology, he achieved a critical
distance from both of them and elaborated his authentic
conception of this domain. Today this can be seen in more
than thirty books, among others -

Outline of A Theory of Practice
The Logic of Practice
Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture
Homo Academicus
La noblesse d'Etat
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
Language and Symbolic Power
The Field of Cultural Production
La misere du monde
Academic Discourse
The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger
Introduction to Reflexive Sociology
Le regles de l'art. Genese et structure du champ litteraire

- and hundreds of articles, where he has established
himself as one of the masters of modern philosophical
and sociological thought. There are those who disagree
with his intellectual perceptions, but the increasing
use of his theories, the wide reference to his works,
and the translation of his books into many languages
demonstrate the growing interest in his thinking and
the consolidation of his position in the field of
contemporary social sciences.

BOURDIEU is co-moderated by M'hammed Sabour (
and Marko Toivanen ( from the Department
of Sociology, University of Joensuu, Finland.

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