Re: Westernization and its effects on culture

Steve Hagy (
28 Nov 1995 17:02:58 GMT

I know I'm not a regular in this group and only drop by from
time to time and my field is computers. But as a outsider
maybe your looking at the industral effects in to large of a
picture. Consider the change in the US over the last 15
years, with the introduction of PC into the office (at first
more of a promise to make changes) it is not until the PC
matures (bigger/faster/more memory/more disk) and is cuppled
with networks that we now begin to see the beginnings of
another cultural change. It did not require anyone to agree
or not to agree, people simply begin using a tools to perform
their work. Now its to the point that the very way that an
office or a company is run, managed and develop product is
changing as this new tool is being applied. Not by the
computer techies but by the average user. Anyway just food
for thought.


It has been said that scientists "see far because they stand
on the shoulders of giants" while software engineers "stand on
each others toes".