Re: Evidence for "Big Bang Theory"

Eric Shook (Panopticon@oubliette.COM)
Mon, 8 May 95 00:45:39 CST

In article <> (Gil Hardwick) writes:
> In article <>, Robert Roosen ( writes:
> >Julian Assange ( wrote:
> >: Zero cats are dogs.
> >: Zero protons are electrons.
> >
> >No cats are dogs.
> >No protons are electrons.
> Sorry, but you are both right off the planet on this one. Just because
> there no cats does not make them dogs.
> Just because there are no protons does not make them electrons.
> If there are no cats there are simply no cats. Likewise no protons.
> Please let's adhere to some passing sanity in our deployment of the
> language, shall we?

Gil? Gil? Please, you are embarassing even me, now! Certainly if you meant
this as a joke then you could have given us more of a hint that you were
gaffing about the frailty of the language. For if you reread what you have
just posted, then you will probably come to the conclusion that you've just
really made big errors.

Thre isn't any punctuation between the "no cats" and the "are dogs" parts
of the sentence: "no cats are dogs." So, a simple Renn diagram would show
us that the statement "no cats are dogs" makes absolute sense.

________ _________
| | | | = no cats are dogs.
| cats | | dogs |
| | | |
|________| |_________|


| |
| cats | = _some_ cats are dogs.
| _____|__
| | | |
|___|_____| |
| |
| dogs |


| | = _all_ cats are dogs.
| dogs |
| ______ |
| | | |
| | cats | |
| |______| |

You are way off the planet on this one Gil! No cats are dogs does not
mean that there are no cats universally, only that there are no cats within
the context of being dogs. To be: I am, you are, etc. You know. A passive
verb which goes a long way in modifying the noouns in the sentence

Although I cannot be sure of your current working environment, I assume
that it involves graduate work. Are finals getting to you or something?
Are you even on the same semesterly system? Do you even speak the same
language where you are? :-) (Be nice! just tossing some fun your way.)

-- Eric Nelson --
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee: