Re: Social Engineering (was: Different patriarchy Model)

Ray Sullivan (ay773@FreeNet.Carleton.CA)
Tue, 10 Jan 1995 20:42:56 GMT

In a previous posting, Gerold Firl ( writes:
> I'm puzzled as to how this implication was transmitted. I was noting that
> afro-american culture has been comparitively unsuccessful at socialising
> its members in such a way as to avoid incarceration. Most people agree that
> the slammer is no fun; I don't think I'm being particularly ethnocentric by
> using criminality as a measure of social disfunction. Do you disagree?

I have observed that euro-american culture has been comparitively
unsuccessful at socialising its members in such a way as to avoid the
tendancy to arrest and incarcerate afro-americans. Please consider that
the power to "socialize" avoidance of incarceration is much less powerful
than the power to "socialize" racial stereotypes.

> part of american culture. They will develop solutions to their problems. But

I am of the opinion that racial bias in the judicial system is everybody's

_________________R. Sullivan, ay773@freenet.carleton.ca_________________
Out of life, comes death and out of death life, out of the young the old,
and out of the old, the young, out of waking, sleep and out of sleep
waking, the stream of creation and dissolution never stops. (Heraclitus)