Re: Questions about Starvation and War

MBAWilliam (
31 Jan 1995 22:24:54 -0500

>>3. The Little Ice Age might have been very stressful for American
>>Indians. Areas that could support a substantial population
>>previously, might cause starvation when there were several bad
>I just read from an authoritative source that the
>Little Ice Age was a time of *increased* populations
>of Plains bison and humans, largely because of en-
>hanced precipitation. I'm working now on permission
>to pass on the text, or a reference to it. More, in

I'm curious as to the definition of the "Little Ice Age"...In the
Northeast, there was a significant cooling during the 13th and early 14th
centuries (Bendremer 1993), to the point where maize horticulture appears
to have been effected. However, during that time, the populations in the
same region do not appear to decline, and in fact increase. We also see
significant changes in settlement and trade patterns, as well as possible
renegotiations of gender and socials roles, indicative of larger, more
sedentary populations.

MB Williams