Re: New world populations

MBAWilliam (
29 Dec 1994 21:38:51 -0500 (Acturner) wrote:
>Read Dobyns, Henry F. Their Numbers Grow Thin (maybe U Tenn press)>

Interestingly enough, Dobyns is one of the authors who argues for a
pandemic of bubonic plague from Mexico to New England from 1612 to 1621...

A couple more sources, particularly on North American depopulation:

D. Snow and K. Lamphear "European Contact and Indian Depolulation in the
Northeast" _Ethnohistory_ 35 (1988)
(This is one of the articles which argues for a late arrival of smallpox
and other childhood diseases..Bubonic plague is also mentioned as a
possibility during the 1616-1622 epidemics)

A. Spiess and B. Spiess "New England Pandemic of 1616-1622: Cause and
Archaeological Implication" _Man in the Northeast_ 34 (1987)
(Due to Gookin's description of jaundiced victims in the above mentioned
epidemic, the authors suggest hepatitis as a culprit)

K. Lanphear _Biocultural Interactions: Smallpox and the Mohawk Iroquois_,
Master's Thesis, SUNY Albany (1983)

A. Ramenofsky _The Archaeology of Population Collapse: Native American
Response to the Introduction of Infectious Diseases_ PhD diss, U. Wash,
Seattle (1982)

D. Snow and W. Starna "Sixteenth Century Depopulation: A View from the
Mohawk Valley" _American Anthropologist_ (1989)

D. Henige "Primary Source by Primary Source? On the Role of Epidemics in
New World Depopulation" _Ethnohistory_ 33 (1986)

G. Milner "Epidemic Disease in the Postcontact Southeast: A Reappraisal"
_MidContinental Journal of Archaeology_ 5 (1980)

If you're hungry for more, let me know and I'll post or e-mail them... ;-)

MB Williams
MB Williams