Re: Michael Coe's Book on Mayan Decipherment

John O'Meara (
23 Aug 1996 12:59:41 GMT

Thanks for your reply. A few comments are interleaved

In article <>, (Dr Richard
Luxton) wrote:

> The argument over the exact nature of Mayan writing is by no means
> settled.

While I'm not a Mayanist, the evidence in favour of Mayan hieroglyphics
being a mixed logographic and syllabic system appears compelling.

> David Stuart, for example, has referred to "performance
> literature" which brings back the old discussion on an oral
> component. Likewise Barbara Tedlock's work on the Highland Quiche
> shows that they regard ( at least the day names) as "readable" only
> through complex wordplay and soundplay.

This is interesting, but it seems clear that Mayan hieroglyphics is indeed
a writing system, and hence represents speech in some way or other; it
could then be used in many different ways, including oral performance.

> Likewise Barbara Tedlock's work on the Highland Quiche
> shows that they regard ( at least the day names) as "readable" only
> through complex wordplay and soundplay.

Again there are all sorts of factors which enter into the interpretation
of written materials; since I'm not familiar with the work you cite I
won't try and speculate. But they don't seem to contradict the approach to
decipherment being taken by Mayanists.

>Knorosov's absence in
> discussions on the "American" phoneticism school is also worthy of
> note. He has not endorsed it.

I don't know if he has or not, but his work is clearly the corner stone
for modern decipherment. I hardly think an endorsement is necessary.
> Coe's book is indeed marred by a personal attack on Thompson.
> Thompson did miss the value of the phonetic approach until late in
> the day but his ideographical readings and his detailed analysis of
> the system in [1960] and later publications far outweighs this gap.

In my original posting I failed to point out that Coe does give Thompson
credit for the many contributions that he did make to Mayan studies, and I
may have incorrectly left the impression that everything Coe says about
Thompson is negative; such is not the case

> The Maya left their own "readings" of late hieroglyphic materials -
> These are the Books of Chilam Balam - written in Roman script.
> Curiously Coe's book does not dwell on the lack of success Mayan
> decipherers have had in understanding these Roman script texts. We
> are to believe that while scholars can read hieroglyphs they cant
> read Mayan explanations of these even when written in Roman script.

I don't know much about these, but there could be all sorts of reasons why
analysis of these texts needs more work.

John O'Meara
Native Language Instructors' Program
Faculty of Education
Lakehead University
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1
Phone: 807-343-8054
FAX: 807-346-7746