Re: Amerindian resistance mode (was: amerindian an offensive

Jonathan W. Hendry (uhendjx@racer)
15 Aug 1996 19:25:03 GMT

Last episode, dashing David O'Bedlam exclaimed:
: On Fri, 9 Aug 1996, Stephen Barnard wrote:

: > Jews, and other ethnic groups, have contributed immensely to the culture
: > of the US. I think that history will look back on the melting pot of
: > the US as a pivotal development in human culture. Since I come from an
: > extremely "mongrelized" family this may be self-serving, but I believe
: > it none-the-less.

: Tho I come from an extremely "mongrelized" family myself I find your take
: on things dismaying. Do you really believe watching Bruce Willis in small
: theaterettes in large malls built on former cornfields evinces a "pivotal
: development in human culture" that's WORTH a flying leap?

Uh, what does this have to do with the melting pot of the US?

(And other countries certainly have 'cultural' facets that are
at least as questionable as anything we have. For instance,
a newspaper paying a woman to bear 8 children, risking the
lives of all of them.)

: I usually lean more towards a "burn the cities" approach, but if "mixing"
: rather than urbanization makes everyone involved stupid and shallow maybe
: returning to rez life and the current urban trend towards "apartheid" are
: steps in the right direction. No sense dooming our species to insipidity.

You may not like cities, but they do manage to concentrate the
environmental impact of humans into a smaller area. If the
population of Manhattan moved to rural Iowa, they would
take up far, far more land. City residents are more likely
to walk, ride, or use public transportation, options that
are difficult or impossible in suburbs or residential areas.
You also find far fewer acres-spanning mega-stores
in cities (and fewer massive asphalt seas poured to
support the customers of a mall during Xmas rush.)

Rather than 'burn the cities' try 'bomb the suburbs'.

Jonathan W. Hendry Views expressed herein do
Steel Driving Software, Inc. not represent those of Steel Driving Software, Inc. or Lexis-Nexis