Bibliography on West African Ritual and Festivities

Jun Ishibashi (
10 Aug 1996 00:38:18 GMT

Please inform me bibiographic source on West African ritual and festivities, especially those of the agricultual comunities'
pre-celebration for the harvest, and/or seasonal ritual of equinox/solstice days.
Most preferable Ashanti, Yoruba and Bantu culture's ethnography.

I am researcher on Caribbean culture, and now workiing on the Fiesta de San Juan Bautista(John the Baptist)
in Afro-Venezuelan culture.
I would like to check which feature of rites could be related with Western-African variants.
In case of Afro-Venezuelan culture it is more difficult to determine specific relationship with certain African culture,
as you do for Brazilian, Cuban and Haitian culture, mainly because of the effect of early abolition of
slavely and relatively advanced social inedration of African-Venezuelans.
However, this does not mean that serious review and comparative analisis could be omiited.

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards

Jun Ishibahsi, <>