Re: Amerind an offensive term (was: Early Amerind assimilation

Eric Brunner (
6 Aug 1996 14:22:42 GMT

William R. Belcher ( wrote:
: "Stephen W. Russell" <> wrote:

: Various stuff clipped:

: >
: >There is a quote from Justice Hugo Black that always appears in dissenting
: >opinions in Indian law cases, as a signal that the Indians are about to
: >get screwed again: "Great nations, like great men, should keep their
: >word..."

: Treaties that were made with Native American groups were (supposed to
: be) on the same level as treaties that the U.S. made with other sovereign
: nations. This policy changed after the Civil War and tribal entities
: were no longer treated as sovereign nations.

Wrong. See the Cherokee lands cases, towards the front part of Cohen's
Federal Indian Law. The date of policy change predates the War Between
the States/Civil War, by three decades.

See also the early US documents on the questions arising from the Treaty
of Paris and Crown Treaty Obligations, the assumption thereof.

See also the end of the Treaty Period, for both the US and Canada, and
the effect on unratified Treaties in the West.

: This was the major reason
: they were not granted citizenship until 1924, the tribal entities were

Wrong. Citizenship in both Canada and the US arose from the dominant culture
as a way of recognizing/rewarding Native enlistment in WW1. Dates of civil
inclusion differ, but the root cause was the same on both sides of the
Medicine Line (US/Canada boarder).

: considered sovereign nations and wards of the state (federal) government.
: I'm not saying that this is right, but I think that a more recent danger
: is the fact that States are trying to either renegotiate treaty rights -
: something that they certainly do not have the rights to do. About ten
: years ago, Washington State citizens voted to repeal treaty rights
: granted by the Federal government in the 1850s. Even though the measure

Not ratified, or if so, one of few Western Treaties that were prior to the
end of the Treaty Period (US).

: succeeded, these dangerous efforts failed as they U.S. Feds wouldn't
: allow it. Currently, the Republication party is trying to give the States
: more and more power, perhaps to deal with these kinds of issues.

See "Sagebrush Revolt" and other Anti-Indian movements, in the US and Canada.

Eric Brunner