Re: Ancient Astronauts and Their Impact on Society

Greg Stevens (
Tue, 25 Apr 95 13:35:16 GMT

Ta> I have several theories about Ancient Astronauts... I am fairly ignorant
Ta> on the subject.

Bad beginning.

Ta> I would be interested in starting a dialog with
Ta> someone who has some "real" education.

You will find few who desire it.

Ta> I propose that ancient astronauts are responsible for many myths and
Ta> biblical stories...

Read "Chariots of the Gods" by Erich von Danikan (I'm unsure of the spelling).

Ta> I know that I am not stupid or crazy... I you have anything to say
Ta> please argue reasonably.

There are others who believe what you believe, and who think they have
evidence, too. You're not stupid or crazy. Just "fringe."

Greg Stevens