Re: archaic Homo sapiens

Vincent DeLuca (
23 Sep 1995 02:53:36 GMT

In <> (J. Moore)
>Vi> I am a follower and believer of the *out of Africa* theory
>Vi> Homo sapiens came out of Africa 200,000 or so years ago and
>Vi> Homo erectus without interbreeding with him.
>Vi> I find the appearance of archaic Homo sapiens or *transitional
>Vi> forms* such as Petrolona man found in Greece very disturbing.
>Vi> Am I overlooking something simple?
>Vi> Appreciate any input.
>Vi> Vincent1.
>The idea that in science, you shouldn't be "a follower and
>believer"? ;-)
>Along with the idea that the part of the "out of Africa" thesis
>that insists on "no interbreeding" seems mighty unlikely, given
>exogamy in humans and our near relatives.
>Jim Moore (
> * Q-Blue 2.0 *

Thank you but you did not answer my question.