Re: DISCOVER/Neanderthal/Homo Sap.

NeilFoglia (
6 Sep 1995 20:49:55 -0400

James Shreeve has had some fun with Neanderthals before. In an essay
appearing in the January 1994 DISCOVER he even touched on the suspicion of
cannibalism on their part. The essay is worth digging out if you keep
your back issues. One of the topics concerns the prior years finds at
Atapuerca Spain which were recently back in the news. (See Science Aug.
11 95). That latest reference holds that the fossils found back in 93 may
be Neanderthal ancestors dating as far back as 780,000 years ago.
If Shreeve's 1994 essay is any hint at the topics he may consider in his
forthcoming book, then I will speculate it will be an interesting read.