Understanding Arthritis in Bipedals - An Engineering Model

Postural Mechanics Info (rothbart@delphi.com)
Sat, 3 Jun 95 08:33:45 -0500

The Solution to Understanding Arthritis
Lies in Engineering:

Engineering Model:

Stabilize the Foundation to support
the superstructure.

BioEngineering Model:

Stabilize the Foot to Ground plat-
form to eliminate Arthritis in
the weight bearing joints.

Three clinical studies have been
published demonstrating the
effectiveness of this approach:

[1] 1988: 97 cases - Pelvic Tilts [JMPT]
[2] 1994: 108 cases - Arthritic knee pain [AJPM]
[3] 1995: 208 cases - Arthritic back pain [AJPM]

If you would like a reprint of the knee
article, send a self addressed stamped
envelope [0.72] to:
Brian A. Rothbart DPM, PhD
12059 Sugarland Valley Drive
Herndon, VA 22070

Reprints of the back article will be
available at the end of next month.
