Correction to question

J. Moore (
Sat, 8 Jul 95 14:28:00 -0500

Alex Duncan was good enough to point out to me that one of my
questions for AAT proponents contained an error. I referred to the
*Homo erectus* which suffered from vitamin A toxicity as the "Turkana
boy" (KNM-ER-WT15000), when the correct specimen was a female (KNM-ER
1808). I didn't remember correctly that the Turkana Boy, now more
officially known as the Nariokotome skeleton, did not have this condition.
I hope I didn't overly confuse anyone with this incorrect info.

At any rate, the question's validity is not affected. It stands, and
awaits an answer:

6. If the apparent vitamin A poisoning seen in the *Homo erectus*
(specimen KNM-1808) was from eating fish, rather than carnivore
liver, and was, as Morgan suggests, because we had been doing so
since the transition from apes, why hadn't we either:
A) developed a resistance to such toxic reactions to a food which
supposedly had been eaten regularly for approximately 4-6 million
years before that time?
B) learned how to avoid toxic poisoning from a supposedly common
C) if we had such a resistance and had kept those habits, as Morgan
suggests, why did we lose the adaptation?

Jim Moore (

* Q-Blue 2.0 *