Re: graphics considered harmful (was Re: NYT on Rick Adams and Microsoft)

Eric Mercer (mercer@ceres)
16 Feb 95 09:42:30 GMT

In article <house.792904832@helios>, house@helios.usq.EDU.AU (ron house) writes:
> Gary Nelson <> writes:
>>On 13 Feb 1995, Daniel Yee wrote:
>>..... > And as far as conveying information
>>> goes, there's only a few things which can be covered better on TV
>>> than in text: natural history, art, architecture, geography,...
> Brings to mind an ad for Apple extolling the value of multimedia in
> school: (paraphrased) You click on the dinosaur, and you get a writeup
> on his life and, with another click, you get to hear him roar.
> Brilliant.
> Who has ever heard a dinosaur roar? In other words, in an encyclodedia
> for young children, they are peddling outright fabrications.

I don't believe that makes this a bad teaching tool. The most difficult part
about teaching children is getting them interested. If hearing a dinosaur
roar gets them interested enough to enjoy reading the writeup, then it is a
good thing.

|Eric A. Mercer |
| CVRC, University of Pennsylvania |
|office: (215)662-7837 |