Re: Equids

WIlliam C. Wilson (
24 Dec 1994 07:41:46 GMT (Tara) wrote:
> whittet <> wrote:
> >"WIlliam C. Wilson" <> says:
> >The original 16 Spanish horses were Andalusian chargers, war horses
> >designed to carry Conquistadores in full armor.

I did not say this, while I sayed something similar that was quoted
further in the above response this line is NOT mine.

> >>... but you do to carry a 180 lb man, 80 lbs of
> >>armour and 20-30 lbs of weapons at a galloping charge....

The above quote is mine, I intended it to remind people of the
origins of of the northern European draft horses not the various
Spanish brands that were the first known to be introduced to the Americas.
To my knowledge ALL pre-spanish american horse breeds were extinct
at the time of the reintroduction by the spanish (and subsequent additions
by the other European traders). To my knowledge the Polish wild horse
(I can' spell it but it was named in the prior article) is the closest
thing extant to the original wild horse before domestication
(where ever that first occured). I beleive that the latest archeological
evidence suggests that the southern Ukraine/Georgia area had horses
trained to bit and bridle @6000-7000BC. If you know of earlier dates
please let me know.