Re: query

karl h schwerin (schwerin@UNM.EDU)
Fri, 15 Sep 1995 15:53:13 -0600

On Mon, 11 Sep 1995, Brian Michael Howell wrote:

I'm a grad student beginning a research paper in which I hope
> to combine elements of ecological and economic anthropology with my
> interest in religion. Specifically, I would like to look at agricultural
> change among the Cho'l, Chamula or Zinacanteco Mayans of Chiapas vis a
> vis religious conversion to evangelicalism. Any literature which touches
> on economics/ecology and religious ideology would be useful and
> Cordially,
> Brian Howell
> Washington University-St. Louis
see Rappaport, Roy A. 1984. Pigs for the Ancestors. Ritual in the
Ecology of a New Guinea People. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press (2nd
enlarged ed. 1968). Rappaport deals with a much broader range of
ecological issues than just religion and ritual, but they are an
important part of the study.

I'm also sending you by snailmail a copy of my paper:
Schwerin, Karl H. 1985. Orientations materielles de la religion
Karinya. Techniques et Cultures 6:31-42. Paris.

Karl Schwerin