Poster sessions for SfAA 1995

Karen A. Leeson (Karen.Leeson@COLORADO.EDU)
Fri, 9 Sep 1994 15:59:10 -0600


From: Deward E. Walker Jr. , Program Chair
(303) 492-6719 walkerde@spot.Colorado.Edu

General Information: A poster session is a presentation of the results of
a recent field or research project that can be described graphically.
Presenters post materials such as maps, photographs, graphs, charts and/or
tables on a 4 foot by 8 foot display board along with textual summaries of
their work. People attending a poster session are free to move about from
poster to poster, so presenters should limit the text to four or five pages
of double-spaced, 16-20 point text. Each space will have a small table in
front of it where you may place handouts, samples or other materials you
wish to demonstrate or give out.

Content: Highlights of the work you are reporting should appear in
lettering large enough to read from several feet away. Extensive,
imaginative use of captioned illustrations, photographs, graphs or other
types of visually appealing material is the point of a poster presentation.
Please do not simply mount the text of your paper as a "poster". It will
not be effective in this medium. Audio-visual equipment will not be
provided for posters.

Title: Each poster display should include a lettered sign giving the title
and the name(s) of the presenter(s). This sign should be 6 inches in
height and up to 8 inches long. It must be mounted at the top of the

Materials: SfAA will provide thumb tacks, push pins and the display board.
Please bring other materials you may need such as tape or line level.

Location and Time: Each poster is part of a session and will remain in
place for 2 hours. For best results, please set up your poster
presentation 15 minutes before the scheduled time. Plan on an exciting
interaction with your "audience." Poster sessions are an innovative and
challenging way for you to present your data and new ideas and to meet
colleagues in a creative setting.