More on Disease in NW?

karl h schwerin (schwerin@UNM.EDU)
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 09:52:13 -0700

In response to janis Silva's inquiry, here are some further sources:

Alchon, Suzanne Austin. 1991. Native society and disease in colonial
Ecuador. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press

Cook, Noble David. 1982. Demographic collapse. Indian Peru, 1520-1620.
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Cooper, D. 1965. Epidemic disease in Mexico City, 1761-1813. Austin,
TX: Univ. of Texas Press

Duffy, John. 1951. "Smallpox and the Indians of the American Colonies,"
Bull. of the History of Medicine 15:324-341

Duffy, John. Epidemics in colonial America. Baton Rouge, LA:
Louisiana State Univ. Press

Figueroa Marroquiin, Horacio. 1957. Enfermedades de los
Conquistadores. San Salvador:

Friedlander, Judith. 1969. "Malaria and Demography in the Lowlands of
Mexico: An ethnohistorical Approach," pp. 217-233 in Forms of Symbolic
Action, ed. by Robert F. Spencer. Proceedings of the 1969 Annual
Meeting, American Ethnological Society. Seattle, WA: Univ. of Washington

Henige, David. 1986. "Primary Source by Primary Source? On the Role of
Epidemics in New World Depopulation," Ethnohistory 33(3):268-292

Reff, Daniel T. 1990. Disease, depopulation, and culture change in
northwestern New Spain, 1518-1764. Salt Lake City, UT: Univ. of Utah Press

Settipane, Guy A. (ed.). 1995. Columbus and the New World: Medical
implications. Providence, RI: OceanSide Publications

Snow, Dean R. & Kim M. Lanphear. 1988. "European Contact and Indian
Depopulation in the Northeast: The Timing of the First Epidemics,"
Ethnohistory 35(1):15-33

Stearn, E.W. & A.E. Stearn. 1945. The effect of smallpox on the
Amerindian. Boston, MA: Bruce Humprhies

Sticker, Georg. 1932. "Die Einschleppung eurpaeischer Krankheiten in
Amerika waehrend der Entdeckungszeit; ihr Einfluss auf den Rueckgang der
Bevoelkerung," Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv, Band 6, Heft 1: 62-83, Heft
2: 194-224 Berlin:

Thornton, Russell; Tim Miller & Jonathon Warren. 1991. "American Indian
Population Recovery Following Smallpox Epidemics," American
Anthropologist 93(1):28-45

Verano, John W. & Douglas W. Ubelaker (eds.). 1992. Disease and
demography in the Americas. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press

Karl Schwerin SnailMail: Dept. of Anthropology
Univ. of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131

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desire to peer into lives that one is glad to be unable
to share. . . . . Edward Sapir