Re: Inclusive Pronouns

Heather Young-Leslie (youngl@FHS.CSU.MCMASTER.CA)
Wed, 16 Nov 1994 12:10:44 +0500

Thanks to Maddie! for reminding me where 'per' {perself, pers} comes from.
I liked it too, but like Madelaine, I gave up b/c no one understood me,
and when writing papers, I got tired of having to include a glossary/
rationale statement. maybe I shouldn't have given up...
Thanks to Bill Rodman who noted that I made an error in another
posting - I said Esperanza, and meant Esperanto (freudian slip?); also,
McMaster does give Teaching Awards to T.A.s.
- Mea Culpa all Mac alumna & staff-

Heather Young-Leslie
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ont. Midwifery Programme (McMaster) Anthropology, York University
Fontbonne Bldg, St. Joe's Hosp. Vari Hall, 4700 Keele St.
Hamilton. 521 6015 North York. 736-5261