Re: advice on ethnographies

Heather Young-Leslie (youngl@FHS.CSU.MCMASTER.CA)
Sun, 13 Nov 1994 06:34:24 +0500

Susan, you wondered about ethnographies of deaf culture - I'm sure there
are better sources out there, but I do know that Bil Thurston, a linguist
now at Okanagen College (Kamloops, B.C) did some work with people using
ASL. He has an email address, but almost never looks at it.
As for readable ethnographies, I like Brody's *Map's and Dreams*
and the *Ogoki River Guides* by Edward Hedigan is a nice read too, but
they're not about Siouxian people....
Heather Young-Leslie
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ont. Midwifery Programme (McMaster) Anthropology, York University
Fontbonne Bldg, St. Joe's Hosp. Vari Hall, 4700 Keele St.
Hamilton. 521 6015 North York. 736-5261