More shameless self-promotion

wilkr (wilkr@INDIANA.EDU)
Tue, 9 Nov 1993 21:26:37 -0400

I was delighted to hear what Steve Maack is doing at the upcoming
AAAs, and I hope I can elbow my way through the crowded hallways
to hear the session.

I thought I would take the opportunity to self-advertise my own

On Wednesday at 5:30 PM, Colleeen Cohen and I (Rick Wilk) have
organized a panel called "Pageants and Power: Beauty and the Structuring
of Value and Difference." We have six papers that discuss beauty
pageants in Belize, Thailand, Minnesota, Puerto Rico and Liberia.
Comments will be proferred by Beverley Stoeltje, who has worked on Rodeo
Queens in Texas.

In case you think beauty pageants are trivial or (as I was told this
summer after giving a paper on Belizean pageants) "vulgar," I think
these papers will convince you otherwise. Most of the papers look at the
way pageants are emmeshed in cultural politics.

All anthro-l members cordially invited!

Rick Wilk