Dona Quijote de cyberspace

Jakob Melbye (jbmelbye@INET.UNI-C.DK)
Thu, 21 Mar 1996 23:30:44 -0600

>From a retrospective point of view the cyperspace of anthro-l might have been
the main source of inspiration for the famous novel by Miguel de Cervantes

Imagine Sancho Panza gathering enormous quantities of bits and bytes in
order to fullfill the needs of his knight fighting against every "server"
which dares to spread electronic mail with professional substance along on
his way to fulfillness, justice and satisfaction.

Dona Quijote (read Ruby Rohrlich) is apparently captured in cyberspace
fighting words by, with and through words confusing quantity with quality,
meaning with form, articulation with action and cyberspace with reality.

In one aspect you succeeded where Quijote de la Mancha didn't: Your
wind mills (read members of the list) are fleeing away (from the list)
on their own (but because of your monologue).

So instead of fighting your own heards of sheep (read: imaginations of
power and prestige) why don't you leave cyberspace for reality in order
to CHANGE the world and yourself.

Allthough don't forget: Gaining power easily corrupts, and the first step
up the ladder might be your first step to oppress "the other" without any
justification whatever your sex, race or religion.

Some reasonable advices for free - through which you will be gaining
in the end:

* Discuss instead of arguing
* Convince instead of turning against you
* Fight points of view instead of individuals
* Accept the context or leave for another play ground
* Respect your counterpart instead of despise HIM (or her)

I haven't left the anthro-l yet because I still gain from the serious and
professional contributions placed here but unfortunately like others I
haven't got 48 hours a day to read and erase e-mail contributions which
according to my humble opinion belongs to a separate list for sexual
discrimination, for the power seeking individuals or whatever.

GHopefuly this way wee could restore the list for what it was intended for:
a source in common for exchance and information and not a locus for
individual promotion and self exhibition.

Sincerely yours

Jakob B. Melbye