Re: Power <debate> <long>

Ruby Rohrlich (rohrlich@GWIS2.CIRC.GWU.EDU)
Thu, 7 Mar 1996 20:57:33 -0500

Here is a concrete example of unequal power relations, as reported by The
Bulletin, newsletter of SIGMA DELTA EPSILON, Graduate Women in Science
(GWIS), of which I am a member. Members of this group went, as part of the
NGO, to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing,
August/September, l995, and reported that the Science and Technology Caucus
issued the following statement to the U.N.: "We recognize how powerfully
science and technology interact with themes of the Fourth World Conference on Women.
Women. Girls and Women do not experience equality in science and
technology. They are poorly represented in science and technology education
and training. This limits both their employment opportunities and their
access to positions of influence in science and technology where
decisions about their uses are made. Moreover, the current paradigms of
science and technology do not value women's traditional knowledge and the
prioities which guide women's lives and aspirations. This further
limits their participation in, and ability to shape, science and
technology. Science and technology are powerful tools for development;
they can alleviate physical burdens that made life difficult for many
women. Science and technology can provide ways out of poverty, but too
often their unrelenting use has increased women's burdens and ignored
their needs. Science and technology are exploited in the production of
horrific weapons of war, such as land mines, which cause untold violation
to human rights through injury and death, giving efforts to establish
peace a greater imperative." Ruby Rohrlich