computer usage among academics

Scott S. Robinson (ssrobinson@IGC.APC.ORG)
Sat, 18 Jun 1994 08:09:50 -0700


I am chairing a faculty committee in our social science and humanities
division at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Ixtapalapa campus,
Mexico City. The outgoing Dean has submitted a $.5 million usd grant
proposal to the Mexican NSF, CONACYT, for hardware and software that
many of us consider cyber-overkill given the existing patterns of computer
usage and currently plans. Our ad hoc committee, named by the Dean to
legitimize his cyber phantasy, has decided to carry out a survey of the
universe of 274 full time faculty in the Division.

Can anyone provide some leads re extant studies of computer usage among
social science faculty, resistance to email and computerizaton, etc.

Agradecemos las sugerencias.

Thank you.

Scott Robinson