Re: Publications on Computer - pros/cons

Cameron Laird (claird@STARBASE.NEOSOFT.COM)
Tue, 14 Jun 1994 10:24:21 -0500

In fact, a number (well, perhaps "magazines" rather
than "journals") are; I have one at my feet for a
general audience called *Nautilus*.
files. It also has advantages for many libraries as space is often a
tight item. You could be able to read articles on the cd-rom and print
out the ones you wanted hard copies of. Cd-rom pressers are available for
just a couple of thousand dollars now so it would cheap for the
hypothetical journal to print its own cds or, if one prefers, cds in
quantities greater than 100 are usually available for under $10 each from
small cd companies.

What do people think?
I'll offer some quantities to shape folks' thinking: in

Gale, Bob, editor
1994 "DC-R: out of the oven and piping hot",
InfoWorld, volume 16, issue 23, pages 70-
93 (6 June 1994)

the systems reviewed range in retail price from $2,695 to
$7,495, with all except one more than $5,000. Keep in mind
that "Beyond the basic CD-R hardware-software package, you
will need a high-performance computer, two SCSI controllers,
and a dedicated 1-gigabyte hard drive--an expense of about
$3,500." The incremental out-of-pocket cost for each CD
one writes is under $20 per disc; going to an outside ser-
vice can cut this by more than half. CD-R is showing up in
the commercial world most often at this stage for archiving
of data; distribution of data is still secondary, and most
of this is more on the order of reference (price lists;
corporate policies; reference manuals) than the "creative"
writing we've been discussing.

*InfoWorld* is available, by the way, wherever silicon-
heads congregate; it doesn't show up on so many newsstands,
but I believe its circulation is in the millions.

Cameron Laird ( +1 713 267 7966 ( +1 713 996 8546