Re: Hodenausaunee Egalitarianism (was: Re: WANTED: A good

Ralph L Holloway (rlh2@COLUMBIA.EDU)
Sat, 27 Jan 1996 20:31:54 -0500

On Sat, 27 Jan 1996, Ruby Rohrlich wrote:

> Your final question is the one t o which I don't have the answer, and
> which I asked you to answer. You have not yet done this, but don't
> bother. I made the mistake of trying to have a civilized dialogue with
> you, even though I sensed immediately your feminist-baiting. You can look
> up the references under the names you are interested in, but I will not
> respond to further communications from you. Ruby Rohrlich

Actually, I think Ruby has it backwards, and its her blind anti
male feminism that
is the kettle calling the pot black. I have been amused by all this, and
even hopeful that I might actually learn something about the Iroquois and
egalitarianism. Carleton Coon's book "Caravan" was "racist" because she
was taught so in the late '30's. The somebody was misapplying the term
"perversion" to homosexuality in Europe. Obviously a gay-basher. Now this.
Ralph Holloway