Position Announcement in Cultural Anthropology

Tue, 18 Jan 1994 13:53:53 PST

Michael Dreyfus asked the question, "What exactly are protected groups and why
are they protected? From what are they protected" in regard to the temporary
vacancy announcement at Washington State University. Here is the answer from
WSU equal employment opportunity policy statement:
Protected categories are Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans,
women, persons between the ages of 40 and 70, persons of diability, and disable
d and Vietnam-era veterans. Members of these categories will be given
preference in recruitment, appointment, training, career development, transfer,
and promotion when they are underrepresented in a given position in
proportion to their availability in the labor market in order to meet WSU's
goal of achieving "fair and adequate representation of protected group
members in the WSU work force. No protected group member who is unqualified
will be hired or promoted in order to achieve this goal. Protected groups are
thus being protected from possible discrimination.
I hope this this answers the question. Admittedly, part of the statements
in position announcement are a bit cryptic.
Robert E. Ackerman
Department of Anthropology
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-4910