Re: Drill, Dancin', Marchin' <debate>

Ralph L Holloway (rlh2@COLUMBIA.EDU)
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 00:03:09 -0500

On Thu, 15 Feb 1996, Michael Cahill wrote:

> >So too, I am convinced, can sheer cognitive activity, such as solving a
> >mathematical puzzle or problem, or finishing a dissertation or erecting
> >some hugh conceptual artefact, or even making a splendid stone tool hand
> >axe, all these have two-way connections with outr emotional centers.
> There's something important very important in this. But here's my question.
> Is it the *repetition* or the *rhythm* that links up with the emotional
> center? All rhythm is repetitive, but not all repetition is rhythmic. If
> the link is through rhythm, then simply repeating or modelling cognitive
> activities may provide no special lift (beyond its contribution to the
> learning process itself).

I don't know the answer to this question. I would tend to believe that
rhythm and repetitiveness can be the same thing, and there are probably
attempts both conscious and not to entrain the repetitions to become
rhythmic. Trance is one result. Epileptic seizures can be another. I
would speculate that the when the repetitiveness becomes rhtymic it
would be closer to linking up with emotional centers. At this point, I'm
out of my depth...
Ralph Holloway