Dundes and folklore

Wed, 6 Dec 1995 14:11:53 -0500

Alan Dundes, of course, is not just an urban folklorist, but is the
preeminent psychodynamic folklorist in America, whose work includes
interpretations of the potlatch, cockfight, bullroarer, myth--the stuff
of classic "anthropology."

For a full bibliography of Dundes as well as an introductory essay to his
work, see:

L.B. Boyer, R.M. Boyer, S.M. Sonnenberg, eds., 1995, Essays In Honor of
Alan Dundes, Hillsdale, NJ; Analytic Press.

IMHO, anthropologists have unfortunately neglected many of Dundes's essays,
despite the fact that they offer new insights into some of our "classic"
ethnographic cases.

Eric Silverman
DePauw University