Re: applied anthropology

Mike Gurstein (mikeg@NYWORK2.UNDP.ORG)
Mon, 12 Dec 1994 19:44:18 -0500

I'm a Sociologist who has made his career outside of academe and I must
say I agree with Doug Hanson's contribution.

A few years ago I was asked to give a talk to the Canadian Sociology and
Anthroplogy Association on a panel on Applied Social Science. As it
happened I was the only non-academic on the panel. To the best of my
knowledge that panel was the most popular of the whole meetings among the
students and about 50 or so students stayed behind to cross-examine me on
what the job prospects would be like outside of academe.

The non-academic job prospects for Sociologists is probably even better
than for anthropologists--market research, polling, impact assessement,
marketing, consulting etc. but to the best of my knowledge in Canada
there still aren't any programs in applied sociology. Good thoughts Doug.

Mike Gurstein, Ph.D.
Management Adviser
United Nations Secretariat
New York, N.Y.

On Mon, 12 Dec 1994, Douglas B Hanson wrote:
> I can't speak for socio-cultural anthropologists or archaeologists, but as
> a biological anthropologist working outside of academia, I know there are
> numerous opportunities to apply your anthropological skills in the
> workplace. I chose the biomedical research profession primarily because I