Re: human rights vs. societies rights

Todd N Nims (nimstod@MAIL.AUBURN.EDU)
Thu, 8 Dec 1994 19:19:06 -0600

A book I once read, "Earth Abides" by George R. R. Stewart, discuses one
possible outcome of a large human population. I dont know whether or not
he has any scientific basis for his writngs but I dont think it was
written for scientific debate anyway. I would recomend it as simply an
interesting book with some interesting ideas that you could probably read
over the holidays.

Todd N. Nims
Auburn University, AL

On Wed, 7 Dec 1994, Luis Medina wrote:

> no living species I know can grow exponentially for ever. If this kind of
> silly extrapolation was true the mold that is growing under your
> garbage container would be invading your living-room by monday next week.
> 1) there are no resources to maintain an exponential growth
> 2) people, like any other species in non equilibrium abundancy, will be food
> for other species. specially if some of us start to get undernourished and
> overstressed.
> ___...
> A more normal growth curve look like _/ \ the last part of the
> curve only occurs in closed systems when resources are exhausted or are too
> dificult to get for that particular species. In more open and complex
> systems other species recycle the resources used by previous species and
> make posible flat or oscilating periods of growth for long periods of time.
> With luck, for geologic periods of time.
> limiting population is a short term proposition with no real solution (since
> even at very low growth rates you get large populations). What is going to
> matter is the care of use and the distribution of resources.